Known as Loli or Sixrax in RaiderZ but also known as iHentai on other games but my livestream channel name is Kawingshek which is also my forum id on RaiderZ.
Just want to notify that you can remove me from friend list as of today
I'm leaving RaiderZ and the community.
I wish you and everyone else happy hunting and a good day in RaiderZ
and I appreciate for the co-operation and the fun times we all had.
Take care!
P.S. You can follow me by watching my stream or the gaming blog if you want to try out different games but don't expect me to play the game for a long time unless I marked it as a favorite game.
I'd like to thank everyone for reading my RaiderZ blog and leaving a comment to discuss about, and of course shared them with your friends or forums. I appreciate for the credits as you guys were using my base model to tweak the guides and mentioning it on forums to create your own builds.
It's been a long journey and it's actually been over 1 year since RaiderZ Alpha started when I tested the game and helped out with bug reporting and supporting with hosting events and helping other players on the road. So Happy Anniversary to my old veteran players!
So I'd like to thank everyone for following me through RaiderZ and that supported me when I achieved most of my goals within RaiderZ Community and I'd like to mention that I thank you all for completing my milestones of pageviews which is 167500 pageviews since I created the blog which was back in the 2012 in November.
I'm not sure if I should retire and quit RaiderZ as it's probably one of my favorite games, however without any contents since Open Beta release it's been a bit too long for me to be patient as many players/friends left the game. I've grown tired of reading the forums which is the same as usual when there are nothing new added to it as we all know that the staffs aren't doing much on the forums nowadays and nor are the GM online ingame (I miss you Sixrax). I'm not going to say I've 100% retired as I still have the game installed but I do plan on play other games which will be reviewed on my other blog which can be found on the 2nd tab if you are looking on this blogsite.
Once again a big thank you to everyone for bookmarking, following, reading my blog! I do this for free as I don't use any ads to earn money as gaming is my passion and a part of my life.
I may not be a role model or a known person in RaiderZ as the community has grown larger but for those who knows me and wants to support me, feel free to share my blog or links on the forums as I appreciate that you guys actually care for what I'm doing with my spare of time as I haven't been rewarded since Alpha, Closed Beta, Stress Test, Open Beta, Full Release. But it doesn't bother me as I said, but I do wish that I would get mentioned one day on social media for once (one of my wishes).
If you lost contact with me feel free to watch my livestreams or add me on my steam which can be located on my livestream description. Loli's Livestream
Tired of RaiderZ?
Feel free to click on the new blog which is above this post. It's called Loli's Gaming Blog. All about games that I've recently downloaded and played with reviews and ratings. However it's still under development as it might seem empty due to recently been created.
I just want to mention that I've updated and fixed the burst/counterattack build image to show an exact build on how skills are being used.
Previous post about it can be found for more details: Two defender builds
There has been numerous of questions about PvP build and I finally decided to just make it and hope that it will work for some of you guys. This build works aswell in PvE but lacks a bit of stamina regeneration compare to my PvE build which can be found over here: Loli's Defender PvE 1-35 Build
Remember that this is only how I would setup my character as it is similar to my Alpha build (lv 25) when Defenders were better than Sorcerers by just adding lv 1 on all skills except this is the advanced/2.0 version.
It's time to spend my time on Q/A on my livestream and doing my project weather while doing simplified versons of certain classes that I got requested on comments.
Yes i'm leaving my PC idle and being AFK for 6 hours or longer to show off the weather in RaiderZ with Twostepsfromhell music in the background while taking screenshot and showing the difference with weather and daylight time ingame.
Feel free to chit chat on the livestream chat or leave a comment
So we've been seeing a lot of defender builds and lot of creativity with skill combo. However the only two builds that I find useful in PvE is the Quick slash and Counter attack builds.
You may wonder what's quick slash and counter attack build?
Here's an explanation on how they work.
Quick slash: A skill build that relies on fast attacks, no unnecessary skills to put your character in delay of skill animation and knows how to cancel attack animation.
Quick slash needs cyclone strike to gain the attack speed and of course you might want to have some basic skills such as Rush, Stunning Smash and the other strikes (Piercing and Chaotic) to perform quick skill attacks.
A good example is my build down below Loli's Build 1-35
Counter attack build: This build is fairly common among the players as you've seen on youtube videos. The main skill here is Strike of Ruin and Slam to deal heavy damage as you block to wait for the opponent/enemy to be flinched as you deal a counter attack blow with those two skill to perform a crit damage which is pretty high if you manage to get Retribution effect on Slam aswell. The downside is that it consumes around 47 stamina by just using two skills and that's the only combo you get which might be boring if you plan on having more skills. However it works great for bosses and it's one of the good build out there compare to quick slash build. With chaotic strike to replenish 50 stamina should work good to perform 2nd burst combo
Burst / counterattack build What about the other skill builds or skills in defender?
Well i'm not going to say they are bad or good, however this game relies on heavy/fast dps to beat monsters as you are not a "tank" in this game. However you have the choice of being the "tank" if you want to run first and gather all the mobs to clear them out with AoE skills/spells. But that doesn't require any defensive active skills except for the passives that grants you 100% block without taking damage because you won't be needing the damage reduce etc. Threatening is just the usage of slowing mobs as it debuff the enemy which is 2 skill in one and you might aswell want it to trick enemy that you are buffing yourself as it is the same animation as the other two shouts.
A good example on not needing any defensive active skills can be shown on this video if you and your party members can handle the large mobs.
It's a new year and we can expect new content coming up on RaiderZ that we all are going to enjoy which is Cowen Marsh.
With level cap increased, we will also get a new class which is Assassin. And I'm pretty sure that most of the player will create an assassin because of the long time of no content and boredom of playing our old characters.
However, don't forget that within the next content we will get new bosses, new pvp area and also new dungeon to face up against. So gather up together and time to hunt together for new gear.