I'd like to thank everyone for reading my RaiderZ blog and leaving a comment to discuss about, and of course shared them with your friends or forums. I appreciate for the credits as you guys were using my base model to tweak the guides and mentioning it on forums to create your own builds.
It's been a long journey and it's actually been over 1 year since RaiderZ Alpha started when I tested the game and helped out with bug reporting and supporting with hosting events and helping other players on the road. So Happy Anniversary to my old veteran players!
So I'd like to thank everyone for following me through RaiderZ and that supported me when I achieved most of my goals within RaiderZ Community and I'd like to mention that I thank you all for completing my milestones of pageviews which is 167500 pageviews since I created the blog which was back in the 2012 in November.
I'm not sure if I should retire and quit RaiderZ as it's probably one of my favorite games, however without any contents since Open Beta release it's been a bit too long for me to be patient as many players/friends left the game. I've grown tired of reading the forums which is the same as usual when there are nothing new added to it as we all know that the staffs aren't doing much on the forums nowadays and nor are the GM online ingame (I miss you Sixrax). I'm not going to say I've 100% retired as I still have the game installed but I do plan on play other games which will be reviewed on my other blog which can be found on the 2nd tab if you are looking on this blogsite.
Loli's Gaming Blog
Once again a big thank you to everyone for bookmarking, following, reading my blog! I do this for free as I don't use any ads to earn money as gaming is my passion and a part of my life.
I may not be a role model or a known person in RaiderZ as the community has grown larger but for those who knows me and wants to support me, feel free to share my blog or links on the forums as I appreciate that you guys actually care for what I'm doing with my spare of time as I haven't been rewarded since Alpha, Closed Beta, Stress Test, Open Beta, Full Release. But it doesn't bother me as I said, but I do wish that I would get mentioned one day on social media for once (one of my wishes).
If you lost contact with me feel free to watch my livestreams or add me on my steam which can be located on my livestream description.
Loli's Livestream
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