About me

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Stockholm, Sweden
Known as Loli or Sixrax in RaiderZ but also known as iHentai on other games but my livestream channel name is Kawingshek which is also my forum id on RaiderZ.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Making a comeback in RaiderZ?

So what's new in RaiderZ?
* Increased level cap of 40
* New zone and areas to explore
* New dungeons to conquer
* Updated PvP battle arena system
* New epic boss monsters to conquer piece-by-piece
* New items and equipments to craft and show off
* And more!

- Is it worth going back? do you guys want me to return and play?
- It's hard to decide if I should return or just ignore it.
- This content is still not available but will probably come in mid-end February.
- What plans do you guys have? Share some of your ideas and plans for the future content updates.



  1. lol come back :D ..

  2. Id like it if you came back. I just started playing recently but im following your build and im enjoying the game so far. It'd be nice if you came back and continued things even though you'd probably get through everything included in the update real quick
