About me

- Loli
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Known as Loli or Sixrax in RaiderZ but also known as iHentai on other games but my livestream channel name is Kawingshek which is also my forum id on RaiderZ.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Bolas Solo
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas Event!
Get yourself filled up with joy and have fun with your friends by throwing snowballs at each other and send christmas gift to each other.

I wish you all a great winter and hope you guys have fun in real life aswell!
Bolas the dragon (Epic Monster Guide Part 4)
Bolas aka Sorena (Dragon)
Location: Instance Dungeon (Grand wall of Silence/Hayden)
Weakness: Horn
Special drop:n/a (Edit: This subject has been removed due to another boss that are similar or has been updated to not drop it anymore.(A piece of horn to attack with)
Boss attacks:
Dragon breath: A frontal fire breath that burns everything on it's way.
Piercing Roar: A fierce roar that causes fear (blockable with shield)
Deadly whirlwinds: Not only staying on ground but Sorena can also fly up and cause deadly whirlwinds.
Dragon breath strafe: During fly mode, Bolas does a strafe run and burns enemies on it's way.
Charge attack: Similar to Crassus, a charging horn attack which is aimed at a player.
Fly and sweep: Similar to Chimera, Bolas flies different direction and sweeps the victims.
Hint(s):Block when she roars, run away when she flies up.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah

Yes the picture is taken outside my apartment, this picture is a few days old but just to show you guys that it's very cold and there's even more snow here in Sweden
I wish you all happy holidays and of course I will post more when RaiderZ has the christmas event feature including an instance dungeon "2:51" on RaiderZ podcast episode 6. So I can't wait to try it out and of course hope that you guys will have a good time at home with your friends, families and beloved ones.
So have a great winter and hope you guys enjoy the rest of year 2012!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
(>'.')> Thank you all! 86000 views! <('.'<)

I'm suprised on how many views on my blog and I'm really amazed and happy that I've reached more than I expected.
- Milestone -
I really appreciate that you guys have been taking a look and commenting and of course following/bookmarked my blog (even though most of you don't use blogs).
And I won't forget about all my RaiderZ friends, my stream viewers and all you guy's support.
[Important] Forum users

Not just Forum Moderators and Community Manager/Game Manager but also MVP (Most Valuable Poster) is available on the RaiderZ forum to post and help out. We might be trollers at certain threads but we do not meant to harm anyone.
However you all should know that Roben and I are chosen to be MVP for a reason. And that's because we care for the community and of course post valuable posts to help newcomerss and to create a great community.
We aren't just there to brag about our "status" which isn't really a big deal as we all are humans and has the same rights. However do not underestimate us for being MVP as we give feedback, answers, and of course directing you guys to threads and even creating new threads to prevent spam on forums.
The bad news is that I've quitted the forums for a long time ago for some personal issues with the community, but that doesn't mean i'm answering things on my own threads on the forums. I'm just being busy with my own life and of course updating this blog.
I hope this will be something to learn about us being MVP and hope that you all feel comfortable in RaiderZ community. If there's some issues about our actions, feel free to PM/comment and take it outside of the forums. If not just ignore the thread incase we start to flame/troll etc.
Stats stackers, Item dupers etc!?!?
It's been that bad that players quitted RaiderZ and felt that they have been wasting their time and money on glitches/bugs that is a gamebreaking.
I may not know how bad the situation is as I've been busy and haven't played for a week or so but I am definately sure that PWE staffs are aware of this issue
Roben has made a post with images showing that they are active on forums and reading all the posts/reports/tickets
Click this link
This stats stacking will be fixed tomorrow so stay tight and wait for the maintenance
Click on image to view the thread

Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Best wishes from Loli
Anonther thank you!
john20x6 - Square Meal Package

All my viewers and blog reader, thank you all for watching my stream and reading my blog!
Fade Step Slash as a Berserker!
Well fear no more and learn this trick brought to you by Tuncer.
Tuncer's Fade Step Slash
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Item Name Change!
Well-Made Plate X of Holy Warrior = Paladin X of Might

Sturdy Shield of Purification = Purified Shield of Might

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Loli Lv 15 Berserker Goblin Golem Solo Naked Style!
Loli Lv 19 Berserker Riviute Solo Naked Style!
Monday, November 19, 2012

No, actually I've just been doing other things.
I may not be online that often in RaiderZ and you may see me play other games on my stream but I'm just waiting for new contents for RaiderZ.
Don't know what's coming up next? here's my previous post on upcoming maps.
[SPOILER]Upcoming maps/areas
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Level & Skill progression Lv 1-35 Defender/Sorcerer

Level & Skill progression Lv 1-35 Defender/Sorcerer

Text Version
Level 1: Rush (1/3)
Level 2: Stunning Smash (1/5)
Level 3: One-Handed Mastery (1/5)
Level 4: One-Handed Mastery (2/5)
Level 5: One-Handed Mastery (3/5)
Level 6: Comeback (1/3)
Level 7: One-Handed Mastery (4/5)
Level 8: One-Handed Mastery (5/5) - MAX
Level 9: Stunning Smash (2/5)
Level 10: Rush (2/3)
Level 11: Piercing Strike (1/3)
Level 12: Defense Mastery (1/3)
Level 13: Defense Mastery (2/3)
Level 14: Defense Mastery (3/3) - MAX
Level 15: Rush (3/3) MAX
Level 16: Chaotic Strike (1/3)
Level 17: Ice Arrow (1/3)
Level 18: Ice Thorns (1/5)
Level 19: Stunning Smash (3/5)
Level 20: Stunning Smash (4/5)
Level 21: Fortifying Shout (1/3)
Level 22: Fortifying Shout (2/3)
Level 23: Resilience (1/2)
Level 24: Resilience (2/2)
Level 25: Stunning Smash (5/5) - MAX
Level 26: Chaotic Strike (2/3)
Level 27: Fortifying Shout (3/3)
Level 28: Evasive Strike (1/1)
Level 29: Cyclone Strike (1/3)
Level 30: Chaotic Strike (3/3) - MAX
Level 31: Comeback (2/3)
Level 32: Encourage Shout (1/3)
Level 33: Retribution (1/2)
Level 34: Retribution (2/2)
Level 35: Threaten (1/3)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Loli's lv 35 Defender Armor/Accessory Guide
view it to know more about my armor/accessory decisions.
Stats Guide
RaiderZ NA V 0.3 has updated the names of certain items. The items has different names

Well-Made Plate X of Holy Warrior = Paladin Plate X of Might

Sturdy Shield of Purification = Purified Shield of Might

Armor type: Plate
Item name: Well-Made Plate X of Holy Warrior
Location: Saint Fhannel Monastery
Stats focus: STR (+17 head, +29 chest, +13 gloves, +17 leg, +14 boots)
Shield: Sturdy Shield of Purification
Location: Contaminated Garden
Stats focus: STR (+10 str)
Sword: Mournful Longsword
Location: Catacomb of the Damned
Stats focus: High physical attack, Average STR, Average CRIT, Golden slot
- Optional - Thunderbolt Longsword
Location: Catacomb of the Damned
Stats focus Higher physical attack, Average STR, Average CRIT, Heavy lightning strike effect
Rings: Blessed Ruby Ring
Location: Rietz
Stats focus: STR (+10), Max Health (+100)
- Optional - Frostywind Yeti Tribe Conqueror's Ring
Location: Epic Mt.Eda
Stats focus: Basic Stats (+9), SPD (+0.01), Max EP (+150)
- Optional - Ring of Set
Recipe drop: Ghost Rider
Stats focus: Basic Stats (+10), Max EP (+200), Max HP (+500), Max SP (+2), M.DEF (+1000), P.DEF (+1000)
Necklace: Necklace of Luck
Recipe drop: Chest (Epic Garden)
Stats focus: Basic stats (+5), Max SP (+10)
Earrings: Strength Earrings
Location: Hellhound encampment (Ingen/Rietz)
Stats focus: STR (increase per upgrade)
Reason: Focus on STR earrings first for damage, and then craft the other for "ultimate earring"
Ultimate Earring: Perfect Knight's Rune Earring
Stats focus: Basic stats (+20), Max HP (+900)
Reason: We focus more on health than critical as a Defender. Having more health means more survival and more health regen with Comeback.
Stats Guide

Picture taken from raiderwikiz.com
Basic Stats
STR increases physical attack, slightly magic attack
AGI increases critical hit (Magical and physical)
INT increases magical attack, magic critical hit, slightly physical attack
VIT increases magical attack, max health, slightly physical attack
CHA increases magical defense, slightly magic attack
Other stats
SP increases stamina
SPD increases movement speed
EP increases max energy
HP increases max health
P.CRIT increases your physical critical hit rate
M.CRIT increases your magical critical hit rate
P.DEF reduces physical damage
M.DEF reduces magical damage
What stats should I focus on?
Defender: STR > VIT/STA
Reason: Damage comes first, health comes as second choice same thing goes with stamina or critical. Having more damage benefits more when you quest/solo/party in dungeons. There is no reason to have 800 health more if the enemy hit you for 300-500 damage and loses +100-200 damage increase. Remember that your shield blocks most of the attacks, you might want to counter attack enemies with high base damage than dealing low damage and having a lot of health that isn't dropping down because of your shield.
Berserker: STR > VIT/STA
Reason:Same thing here, higher base damage increases your overall damage, You won't be needing critical hit rate as berserker because you got skills to boost that up. Higher STR means higher critical damage.
Why VIT and STA as secondary?, that's because you will need more health for your tranquility to grants more health recovery including stamina to perform your skills, however not neccessary in PvE.
Cleric: INT > VIT/AGI
Reason: Having higher INT increases your healing power and magical attack. Remember that heal scales off with magical attack. Helps off with healing and support/dps. VIT is mainly for survival with magical attack increased and health increase. However AGI/CRIT is used for proc chance of Critical Heal/Damage.
Sorcerer: INT > AGI/CRIT
Reason: Sorcerer are all about damage with stats wise. Having higher base damage is usually better than having critical hit rate. However some may prefer CRIT more than INT. I would go with higher magical damage than critical hit rate.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Special Thanks!

ShockWave: Cat Head Band

Kuu: Advanced Book of Oblivion

Zilah: Costume Potion 4x

- Friends -
Yukkey - Amazing healer partner and a great friend that lives in far distance.
Taonas - Awesome partner who understands how bad the situation is and be co-operative.
Crossfield - Didn't talk or met eachother before untill StressTest, we trust eachother and help eachother most of the time.
And everyone on my stream and blog for being awesome!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Finally got my Viva Head!
Warning! Lot's of cursing/F word
Killed 16 Viva solo just to get my Viva head!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Did you know? (Defender)
A good example of these defender skills that you should know about and their hidden effects.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Need a certain guide/build link from the blog?
Click on the title above to obtain the link on each post for the guide/builds
to make it easier for you to find my guides and builds.
You don't have to scroll down everytime to find my builds
but make sure to read the blog mainpage for updates though.
Feedback, changes and opinions

So after receiving feedback on sorcerer build, I've decided that I change my build.
If you haven't checked the old one, then don't bother and take a look on the new build.
If you have opinions that should be changed or questions on why I didn't pick a certain skill,
leave a comment or ask in my stream whenever I'm streaming and I'll answer them.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Loli's Sorcerer/Cleric Lv 40 Build

2 Cleric

- Change log -
Added - +2 Burning Meteor, +1 Flame Armor, +1 Pillar of Fire, +1 Flame tornado
Getting meteor as high damage as possible by trying to reach to max, flame armor being maxed for it's buff effect that increases your magical attack. Maxing out Pillar of fire and flame tornado to lower cooldown.
Reasons - Meteor is a devastating skill that needs to be maxed out as it goes up to 700% damage. Having all your main skills (Rapid Blasts, Flame Impact, Pillar of Fire is probably worth with the low cooldown and maximum damage output than having a chance on gaining crit on each spell.
Loli's Sorcerer/Cleric Lv 35 Build

2 Cleric

Tier 1
Flame Arrow 1/3 No need to go further with this skill. It's your default skill. It increases your magical damage upon hit as a buff.
Rapid Blasts 5/5Max this, it will be your main damage skill.
(Thanks for the info abbadonxk)
Ice arrow 1/3 Pulling tool and a buff skill for your spells to cast faster upon hit.
Ice Thorns 1/5 Sub zero effect combine with Cold wave freezes your target. Pre-req for Ice Barrier which is easier to freeze enemies.
Magic mastery 5/5 Increases overall all your magic spell's damage.
Divine Punishment 1/5 Another spell to use for close combat to flinch enemies.
Revitalize 1/3 A healing spell that could be useful in PvE and PvP.
Tier 2
Flame Impact 5/5 Max this to combo with Rapid Blasts.
Meditation 1/3 You run out of EP, using lv 1 on it to recover it back.
Tier 3
Flame orb 1/3 Leave it at 1 to unlock meteor. Use this only to knockback enemies.
Ice orb 1/3 Same thing goes here to unlock Cold Wave. Use this to slow enemies.
Ice Barrier 1/5 Lv 1 is enough to freeze enemies with Cold Wave combo.
Tier 4
Pillar of Fire 4/5 Lv 4, unable to max it. Look at lv 40 build
Tier 5
Burning Meteor 2/5 Lv 2 is as much as we can go on lv 35 build. Look at lv 40 build
Flame armor 2/3 Lv 2 is as much as we can go on lv 35 build. Look at lv 40 build
Cold Wave 1/5 Lv 1 is enough to cause freeze effect on target with Sub Zero effect. A good crowd controll skill.
Tier 6
Crystallization 1/1 This is Sorcerer's evasive skill, max it for PvE and PvP usage by freezing enemies within range/radius.
Tier 7
Flame Tornado 1/3 Unblockable skill which is AoE effect. You can cast another spell while this is active. This may look like you are teleporting in PvP.
- Change log -
Removed - -1 Wisdom, -3 Inticracy, -2 Elemental Harmony, -2 Imbalance.
Added - +3 Rapid Blasts, +1 Flame Impact, +1 Meditation, +3 Pillar of Fire.
Reasons - After reading Abbadonxk's opinion, I decided to drop 3 out of 4 passives skills, added up to lower cooldown on my main skills. I even removed the Wisdom skill because I'm focusing on damage and not on crit.
Loli's Cleric Support/Heal Lv 40 Build

- Change log -
Added - +2 Salvation, +1 Blessing: Swiftness, +2 Circle of Healing
We manage to max out our Salvage for it's usefulness, and we max out Swiftness to get the maximum effect by 20% attack speed/movement speed. We also max out Circle of Healing to reduce the cooldown.
Reasons - The reason we max out these skills is because they are important in party. Lowering cooldown, gaining maximum effect that actually increases parties dps output is always better than being a selfish person that only cares about your own numbers(damage).
Loli's Cleric Support/Heal Lv 35 Build

Tier 1
Hammer of Light This is your default skill, leave it at level 1 to unlock next hammer skill & Links of Light.
Divine punishment Lv 1 is enough as pre-req for Circle of Punishment. We focus more on healing than offensive build.
Revitalization Max it, lower cooldown, higher HoT (Heal over Time).
Divine Mastery Max it, the best passive for cleric.
Tier 2
Focused Strike Leave this at 1 as it recovers EP and uses SP and great for skill combo if you solo.
Heal Leave this at 3. You just need 5 target to heal (Max party size).
Blessing Endurance Max it, this is the only skill that increases total health.
Tier 3
Hammer of Judgement Lv 1 is just needed for the links of light unlock.
Circle of Punishment Lv 1 is enough, not a big difference on maxing it. It shares cooldown with Circle of Healing.
Mind training Level 1 is enough for the proc chance.
Tier 4
Healing Strike Lv 1 is enoughto heal a party member within 3 meters. This skill uses Stamina.
Circle of healing Lv 1 is enough for now. Need the points for other skills. Look at lv 40 Build. It shares cooldown with Circle of Punishment.
Blessing Concentration Max it, this skill lowers the cooldown by 2 minute at max level as it regenerates party members EP and yourself.
Tier 5
Links of Light Lv 1 is all we need, we aren't offensive but this is a support/DoT skill.
Miraculous recovery Lv 1 is enough, max lvl heals you 50% while lv 1 is 40%.
Tier 6
Whirlpool of light Cleric's evasive skill, Max it everyone will need an evasive/escape skill. This also removes immobilization.
Salvage Your instant Emergency heal. You can only get level 1 for now. You will max this later. Look at lv 40 build.
Blessing Swiftness Level 2, You can't max it yet, however the 15% attack and movement speed effect helps a lot. Look at lv 40 build.
Tier 7
Storm of JudgementLeave this skill at Lv 1 for it's supportive DoT.
Miracle:Combat Resurrection Lv 1 is enough for the feature of ressurecting a player.
Nimble healer Max it for it's usefulness during multiple heals. It increases your casting speed when Revitalize or Heal has been casted and can stack up to 3 times.
Loli's Berserker Lv 40 (PvE) Build

- Change log -
Added - +2 No Mercy, +1 Blood of the berserker, +2 Crush
We continue on maxing out a the passive skill "No Mercy" and "Blood of the berserker" for it's maximum effect. We add 1 point in Nocturne for it's usefulness in knocking enemy down and pre-req for Crushing which goes well with Dodge attack and Crush.
Crush lv 3 Crush lv 3 grants you unblockable effect on it which works great against shielding enemies in PvE and PvP. We didn't go with Bash, armageddon crush or neutralize because it will become too much stamina waste if we spam all skills.
Loli's Berserker lv 35 (PvE) Build

Credits to 형권 유 for uploading a video on how the skill build works and how to solo Viva
Tier 1
Crush, This is just a skill for AoE party dungeon (knockdown effect), Leave it at level 1 for now (Look at lv 40 build).
Dodge attack, Max this out, lower cooldown to re-use the dodge attack.
Buffalo charge, Max this skill out, you will deal great amount of damage by triple hit of this skill.
2h mastery, Max it or you won't be dealing high damage.
Tier 2
Berserk, Max this, we want lower cooldown to combine with Tranquility.
Nocturne, A pre-req skill to unlock Vanquish.
Tier 3
Furious Dash, Works best as a chasing or running away, level 2 will give you immunity to immobilization.
No mercy, Max it, as a 2h sword user you want to crit a lot and it will boost up the crit damage.
Tier 4
Upward strike, Your second dodge skill, leave this at level 1.
Tranquility, Max it and you won't regret!. Your healing and stamina recovering skill.
Tier 5
Rip out Wound, Max it for passive buff. You crit, they bleed and gets slowed.
Tier 6
Escape, Every class should have an "escape" skill and this is it. This also gives you a 2 second dash once it's used.
Vanquish, This is your bread and butter skill. Everytime you use Crush or Dodge attack, you can trigger Vanquish which works like a 2nd Crush ability to knock enemy down. Helps a lot to control enemies with a low cooldown.
Tier 7
Tornado, Level 1 is fair enough, it doesn't reduce cooldown and maxing this would be waste of points.
Controlled Madness, Level 1 is also fair enough, it only increases by 1 stamina per level restore if you crit. Level 1 is good enough for the crit buff.
Blood of the Berserker, Max this, 15% more damage if you receive an attack, 3% movement speed, and restoring stamina. This gives you everything you want as a Berserker.
- Change log -
Removed - -2 Upward Strike
Added - +1 Nocturne, +1 Vanquish
Reason - Upward strike didn't reduce it's cooldown. We unlock Nocturne and Vanquish to gain more crowd control skills to keep enemies knocked down.
(Thanks sirkatana for noticing that by leaving a comment).
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Epic Monster Guide Part 3
Zygniv (Giant)
Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Smash: He charges up to smash the ground next to his feets
Walk and Crush: Takes3-4 steps and walks forward in a straight line crushing everything on it's way.
Earthquake smash: Smashes the ground causing a frontal earthquake.
Earthquake rampage: Zygniv becomes angry and smashes on the ground several times and causes an earthquake on last smash
Hint(s):Take advantage to walk between his feets.

Yillis (Siren)(
Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Water ball: She cast a waterball causing magical damage, it can be blocked if or hit someone that goes between her target and the waterball.
Water Splash: This is an AoE spell which is slowly increasing it's maximum range causing a high amount of damage to everyone within 15m radius.
Freeze: She combines this freeze AoE spell with water ball to kill her enemies.
Ice Prison: She freezes one target and making them unable to do any actions or move. Recovering Health as she is causing DoT damage on the target. This can break if allies damage it.
Hint(s):Remember to save your friend from the ice prison and block the water balls if someone is about to get shot.

Monastery Director Nator (Tranny?)
Location:Riode/Saint Fhannel Monastery
Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Circle of Punishment: Charges his/her skill and creates a circle of Punishment similar to Cleric skill
Links of Light: Similar to Cleric skill, shoots out links of light to cause DoT damage.
Terror Preaching: She starts to preach with a terrifying religious bible and causes everyone except for one player to be affected.
Aura of Darkness: A red aura showing up on the whole room. DoT stacks, dealing higher damage if the battle goes longer and longer. Can be cureable with Holy Water.
Hint(s):Cure yourself from the Aura of Darkness or kill her before the DoT becomes too strong. The person that isn't affected by Terror, use your skill to knock her down.

Guardian Neipus (Butcher)
Location:Riode/Saint Fhannel Monastery
Special drop:Mask or piece of his hammeraxe
Boss attacks:
Whirlwind Hammaxe:He stomps the ground and starts to whirl after the target. Run away from him.
Charging smash: He charges his hammaxe and smashes front of him.
Hit me I dare you!: He stands still and gets ready to counter attack by pounding himself on the chest to deliver a counter attack swing.
Hint(s):Dodge/block most of his attacks, run away when he whirlwinds.

Saint Merinsha (Goddess?)
Location:Riode/Saint Fhannel Monastery
Weakness:Guardian Neipus
Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Teleport:She teleports away and comes back smashing the ground.
Psychic ball: She writes in the air some religious symbol and shoots a psychic ball.
Magic Shield: Just like Manelloth, just break this shield or she won't take any damage at all.
Unbreakable barrier: This barrier is unbreakable, this requires Neipus's hammaxe to be destroy it.
Call for help!: At 50% health she calls for Guardian Neipus in the battle to aid her.
Hint(s):The only way to break her UB is to make Neipus whirlwind into her to break it. Whoever that has Neipus after their butt should kite him around the room.

Chimera (Giant Cat)
Location:Grand Wall of Silence/Instance
Special drop:Horn
Boss attacks:
Charge Rush: Chimera starts to rush forward and knocks everything away.
Snake tail swing: Spins with his snake tail causes AoE damage.
Ice/Fire mode: Changes his element upon certain % of his health. Can only be changed once to ice.
Claw and glide: Similar to Diago except he's flying and doing this.
Mega/Giga flare: Chimera flies up in air and starts pouring down fireballs.
Hint(s):Most of his attacks are blockable. It's more safe to dodge against fireballs than blocking. His horn #2 skill causes him to knockback and piss him off.

Upcoming bosses
Ronin ("Lizard Champion")
Location:Cowen Marsh(PvP Area)
Special drop:n/a
Boss attacks:
Spear whirlwind: He starts to spin and attack players similar to other whirlwind moves.
Spear Jump: Similar to Final Fantasy, he jumps up and lands on you with his spear.
Call for allies!: He spawns archer lizards to aid him.
Hint(s):Run away when he spins

Bolark (Giant Mushroom)
Location:Cowen Marsh
Special drop:n/a
Boss attacks:
Tornado: He creates a tornado that's isn't moving but standing still. You take damage by standing near it.
Mutant Arena: He summons an arena causing one player to be forced to stay inside and fight another mutant monster. Kill it before it explodes. Staying outside of Arena will cause DoT damage untill you die.
Sprout/Tentacle growth: He summons sprouts/tentacles to rise from the ground to damage everything within range.
Hint(s):Be aware of who's being targeted for the Arena. And help the victim to kill the monster inside arena.

Lebalon (Fire Lizard)
Location:Aranbas Volcano
Weakness:Eruption scream
Special drop:n/a
Boss attacks:
Fire Smash: Smashing the ground leaving a mark on the ground. This will be activated for Lava eruption.
Rage smash: After a certain amount of marks on the ground, he will rage and smash the ground several times and causing the marks to erupt lava.
Eruption scream: He will start screaming out loudly, casuing several marks around him to pop up and erupt lava. This is the chance to damage him. Hint(s):Whenever he starts to erupt scream, get close to him and hit him as much as you can while he's screaming due to Eruption scream is a distance attack.

Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Smash: He charges up to smash the ground next to his feets
Walk and Crush: Takes3-4 steps and walks forward in a straight line crushing everything on it's way.
Earthquake smash: Smashes the ground causing a frontal earthquake.
Earthquake rampage: Zygniv becomes angry and smashes on the ground several times and causes an earthquake on last smash
Hint(s):Take advantage to walk between his feets.

Yillis (Siren)(
Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Water ball: She cast a waterball causing magical damage, it can be blocked if or hit someone that goes between her target and the waterball.
Water Splash: This is an AoE spell which is slowly increasing it's maximum range causing a high amount of damage to everyone within 15m radius.
Freeze: She combines this freeze AoE spell with water ball to kill her enemies.
Ice Prison: She freezes one target and making them unable to do any actions or move. Recovering Health as she is causing DoT damage on the target. This can break if allies damage it.
Hint(s):Remember to save your friend from the ice prison and block the water balls if someone is about to get shot.

Monastery Director Nator (Tranny?)
Location:Riode/Saint Fhannel Monastery
Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Circle of Punishment: Charges his/her skill and creates a circle of Punishment similar to Cleric skill
Links of Light: Similar to Cleric skill, shoots out links of light to cause DoT damage.
Terror Preaching: She starts to preach with a terrifying religious bible and causes everyone except for one player to be affected.
Aura of Darkness: A red aura showing up on the whole room. DoT stacks, dealing higher damage if the battle goes longer and longer. Can be cureable with Holy Water.
Hint(s):Cure yourself from the Aura of Darkness or kill her before the DoT becomes too strong. The person that isn't affected by Terror, use your skill to knock her down.

Guardian Neipus (Butcher)
Location:Riode/Saint Fhannel Monastery
Special drop:Mask or piece of his hammeraxe
Boss attacks:
Whirlwind Hammaxe:He stomps the ground and starts to whirl after the target. Run away from him.
Charging smash: He charges his hammaxe and smashes front of him.
Hit me I dare you!: He stands still and gets ready to counter attack by pounding himself on the chest to deliver a counter attack swing.
Hint(s):Dodge/block most of his attacks, run away when he whirlwinds.

Saint Merinsha (Goddess?)
Location:Riode/Saint Fhannel Monastery
Weakness:Guardian Neipus
Special drop:None
Boss attacks:
Teleport:She teleports away and comes back smashing the ground.
Psychic ball: She writes in the air some religious symbol and shoots a psychic ball.
Magic Shield: Just like Manelloth, just break this shield or she won't take any damage at all.
Unbreakable barrier: This barrier is unbreakable, this requires Neipus's hammaxe to be destroy it.
Call for help!: At 50% health she calls for Guardian Neipus in the battle to aid her.
Hint(s):The only way to break her UB is to make Neipus whirlwind into her to break it. Whoever that has Neipus after their butt should kite him around the room.

Chimera (Giant Cat)
Location:Grand Wall of Silence/Instance
Special drop:Horn
Boss attacks:
Charge Rush: Chimera starts to rush forward and knocks everything away.
Snake tail swing: Spins with his snake tail causes AoE damage.
Ice/Fire mode: Changes his element upon certain % of his health. Can only be changed once to ice.
Claw and glide: Similar to Diago except he's flying and doing this.
Mega/Giga flare: Chimera flies up in air and starts pouring down fireballs.
Hint(s):Most of his attacks are blockable. It's more safe to dodge against fireballs than blocking. His horn #2 skill causes him to knockback and piss him off.

Upcoming bosses
Ronin ("Lizard Champion")
Location:Cowen Marsh(PvP Area)
Special drop:n/a
Boss attacks:
Spear whirlwind: He starts to spin and attack players similar to other whirlwind moves.
Spear Jump: Similar to Final Fantasy, he jumps up and lands on you with his spear.
Call for allies!: He spawns archer lizards to aid him.
Hint(s):Run away when he spins

Bolark (Giant Mushroom)
Location:Cowen Marsh
Special drop:n/a
Boss attacks:
Tornado: He creates a tornado that's isn't moving but standing still. You take damage by standing near it.
Mutant Arena: He summons an arena causing one player to be forced to stay inside and fight another mutant monster. Kill it before it explodes. Staying outside of Arena will cause DoT damage untill you die.
Sprout/Tentacle growth: He summons sprouts/tentacles to rise from the ground to damage everything within range.
Hint(s):Be aware of who's being targeted for the Arena. And help the victim to kill the monster inside arena.

Lebalon (Fire Lizard)
Location:Aranbas Volcano
Weakness:Eruption scream
Special drop:n/a
Boss attacks:
Fire Smash: Smashing the ground leaving a mark on the ground. This will be activated for Lava eruption.
Rage smash: After a certain amount of marks on the ground, he will rage and smash the ground several times and causing the marks to erupt lava.
Eruption scream: He will start screaming out loudly, casuing several marks around him to pop up and erupt lava. This is the chance to damage him. Hint(s):Whenever he starts to erupt scream, get close to him and hit him as much as you can while he's screaming due to Eruption scream is a distance attack.

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