Not just Forum Moderators and Community Manager/Game Manager but also MVP (Most Valuable Poster) is available on the RaiderZ forum to post and help out. We might be trollers at certain threads but we do not meant to harm anyone.
However you all should know that Roben and I are chosen to be MVP for a reason. And that's because we care for the community and of course post valuable posts to help newcomerss and to create a great community.
We aren't just there to brag about our "status" which isn't really a big deal as we all are humans and has the same rights. However do not underestimate us for being MVP as we give feedback, answers, and of course directing you guys to threads and even creating new threads to prevent spam on forums.
The bad news is that I've quitted the forums for a long time ago for some personal issues with the community, but that doesn't mean i'm answering things on my own threads on the forums. I'm just being busy with my own life and of course updating this blog.
I hope this will be something to learn about us being MVP and hope that you all feel comfortable in RaiderZ community. If there's some issues about our actions, feel free to PM/comment and take it outside of the forums. If not just ignore the thread incase we start to flame/troll etc.
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