About me

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Stockholm, Sweden
Known as Loli or Sixrax in RaiderZ but also known as iHentai on other games but my livestream channel name is Kawingshek which is also my forum id on RaiderZ.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Feedback, changes and opinions

Build changes

So after receiving feedback on sorcerer build, I've decided that I change my build.
If you haven't checked the old one, then don't bother and take a look on the new build.

If you have opinions that should be changed or questions on why I didn't pick a certain skill,
leave a comment or ask in my stream whenever I'm streaming and I'll answer them.

1 comment:

  1. It would be great if it you wrote in english. But since it was easy to translate with googletranslate.

    The new builds has been updated on the previous posts.
    In this case I was talking about the sorcerer build - http://loli-raiderz.blogspot.se/2012/11/lolis-cleric-sorcerercleric-lv-35-build.html
